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Corporate Fraud Investigation

The exchange of money for cards absolutely changed the criminal model, since the wallet stopped being interesting and now the important thing are the passwords... also, the check of a company was changed by a payroll or electronic transfer so now what is interesting is how to login to the system...

The fraud changes permanently, acquires versatility, imposing itself in any nation or continent, regardless of language, race, culture or religion.

Fraud is not static, is constantly evolving and new forms of fraud arise, fraudsters adapt their behavior to existing control systems.

Faced with this situation, the techniques of fraud prevention and detection, including the Forensic Audit.

Event Forensic Audit

Integral Support by an interdisciplinary team with proven experience to develop a service where an irregular action is known to determine responsibilities and ways in which things occurred verifying among other things the failures of the systems and / or controls involved.

Preventive Forensic Audit

It develops programs aimed at verifying the structure of an organization for the early detection of fraud, at the level of procedures, technological structure, training and competence of its personnel and corporate and / or organizational regulatory framework. The following preventive actions may be taken:

  1. Evaluation and / or Development of Programs anti-fraud controls
  2. Generation of early warning systems of irregularities
  3. Generation of complaints management service

Proactive approach which implements taking actions and decisions in the present to avoid fraud in the future.

Detective Forensic Audit

Specific Investigation of a denounced fact, happened or about which there is referential or partial information. Research must be technical and well structured with solid planning and should aim to determine among other things:

  • Type of Fraud (International Classification ACFE)
  • If the amount is feasible.
  • Direct and indirect effects on the organization.
  • Alleged Authors - Accomplices and concealers or facilitators.

Many times, the results obtained from a forensic audit work are judicialized.

In International Security we have a solid experience, highly trained professionals, cutting-edge technology and the baggage of having attended more than 700 companies in Chile. Call us and talk to a specialist.